Tenth HENNET Annual General Meeting May 26th Panafric Hotel – CHAIRPERSON REPORT.

This is the tenth Health NGOs Network (HENNET) Annual General Meeting (AGM) and a lot of progress has been reported for HENNET activities and the growth of the Network. This AGM focuses on the growth of the Network and the progress in the financial year 2013/2014. It also focuses on the implementation of Hennet’s Strategic Plan with a results framework consisting of four strategic result areas in contrast to the 7 areas in the first strategic plan.
As stakeholders in the implementation of HENNET activities, it is important for members to assess the progress towards the achievement while borrowing heavily from past experiences and lessons learnt to inform future implementation as we move into the new year and other phases to come. HENNET Chairperson-Dr. Asha Mohammed Deputy Secretary General (Programmes) Kenya Red Cross Society
Hennet Chair’s Report 2015 AGM